Internet stores

Nowadays, when online shopping is slowly becoming as popular as shopping in traditional stores, it is worth to consider starting your online store. More and more often, the owners of stationary stores decide to open online sales, which broadens the circle of customers and allows them to increase profits. Why is it worth commissioning the creation of an online store to us?
tworzenie sklepów internetowych

Internet store designs

In the past, the creation of online stores was focused only on preparing a structure enabling to review goods and placing an order, and competition between online stores oscillated around prices. The modern e-consumer is much more demanding. Therefore, modern online stores are focused on sales effectiveness to the maximum. The most important things are visual attractiveness, intuitiveness and responsiveness, thanks to which the user can make purchases on any mobile device. It is also important how many stages the purchasing process consists of and how much time the consumer has to spend on it. It often happens that the overly complicated and time-consuming process of registering an account and ordering goods effectively discourages the user from finalizing purchases, which results in the popular phenomenon of the so-called cart abandonment. It should also not be forgotten that the positioning of online stores is very important when it comes to gaining greater market shares.

Modern online stores

Creating modern online stores means looking at the project through the eyes of an e-consumer. Each element of the online store should be carefully refined so that the search for an interesting product and its order does not cause any difficulties. When creating a good online store, on the one hand, you should bear in mind the customer’s expectations, and on the other - the needs of the average user. The ability to combine these two fields into an attractive and modern design of an online store is a task that our specialists can handle perfectly.
zakładanie sklepów internetowych

Creating online stores - advantages

Why is it worth to entrust the creation of an online store to our experts?
  • Following trends – we draw constant inspiration from the best online store designs, industry news, as well as User Experience research, which allows us to create modern online stores;
  • SEO optimization – each project is created by us in accordance with the principles of SEO optimization, thanks to which it gains high positions in search results;
  • Complexity – in addition to creating the store structure itself, we will also be happy to introduce all products to it and to prepare attractive and SEO-optimized descriptions of categories and products;
  • Responsiveness – every online store will work on mobile devices without any problems;
  • Safety – we shall not forget about the issues of payment security and data protection. We also provide many payment options.
Our specialists have created many online stores that are very successful in terms of sales. We will be honored to contribute to your success too. Write to us: [email protected] or call us: +48 690 001 951.
At Finepages we also create business websites - check out.
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