Landing pages

Everyone knows what a website looks like, but probably not everyone would be able to distinguish one type of a website, which is a landing page. Creating a landing page is a service that can be useful especially when we want as many users browsing the website as possible to take a specific action, which is encouraged by the content posted on it. What is a landing page and what are the benefits of this form of online promotion?
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Landing page – what is it?

Landing page is differently referred to as a sales page or a destination page. The main purpose of the landing page is to try to persuade the user to take a specific action, e.g. subscribe to a newsletter, purchase a given product or send an inquiry. Sales pages are usually aimed at promoting a specific campaign, not the entire offer. The effectiveness of the landing page is measured by the so-called conversion factor. It is defined as the ratio of people who performed the desired action to all users viewing a given page and provided as a percentage value. It is assumed that a professional landing page is able to increase conversion by up to 300% compared to a regular website.

Creating landing pages

Designing a landing page takes into account the characteristics of this type of page, which are:
  • simple structure – sales pages contain a minimum of elements that could distract the user’s attention. The entire campaign is described in a short and substantive manner;
  • CTA buttons – Call To Action buttons are the key elements of sales pages. Clicking on them results in taking a specific action, e.g. subscribing to the newsletter or submitting an inquiry.
  • responsiveness – if the user views the page on a mobile device, he/she must be able to easily read the content and take action. Otherwise, there is little chance that he/she will return to the site when using a desktop device.
  • precise targeting – the incentive to take a given action is directed to a strictly defined target group and expressed in content that is appropriately adapted to this group.
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Landing page – advantages

Creating sales pages is becoming more and more popular mainly due to the relatively small amount of work and costs, which however brings good results. Landing page is perceived as an effective way to promote products and services, the results of which are fully measurable. If you are wondering how to increase your return on investment (ROI) rate, what to do to increase your conversion rate, or how to successfully acquire leads, creating a landing page is a service that should interest you.
Our experts have many years of experience in creating professional landing pages that have contributed to the success of many campaigns. We will be happy to learn the details of your project to prepare a sales page that will convince the target audience to react. Write to us: [email protected] or call us: +48 690 001 951.
At Finepages we also create business websitest based on WordPress - check out.
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