WordPress pages

Although not everyone can distinguish WordPress websites from websites created from scratch, you must know that currently over 60% of websites are based on the WordPress platform, with the world’s largest brands among them. Why has it gained so much popularity and what are the benefits of such a solution?
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WordPress pages – what are they?

The WordPress platform is the most popular CMS (content management system), offering access to the administration panel, thanks to which the website owner can easily and quickly edit the content, update the website or expand it - whenever there is a need for that. With the help of the Wordpress platform, you can easily create websites, blogs, forums or e-learning platforms. WordPress does not require knowledge of HTML or PHP, which is why many users decide to create a WordPress website on their own. However, the problem arises when it is necessary to introduce modifications to the page that interfere with its structure. Then the help of our WordPress page specialists can be invaluable.

Creating WordPress pages

Websites on WordPress are a great option for customers who want to host a large amount of content on their website and be able to edit it on their own in the future. We have an individual approach to each order - we listen carefully to expectations, and then configure the available WordPress templates to the specific requirements of the client. A project completed in this way constitutes a solid structure for further independent development or any ongoing additions to the website made with our help. We are able to implement each project comprehensively, i.e. including equipping the website with all the necessary content, optimized for SEO.
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WordPress webpages – advantages

The benefits of creating WordPress pages include:
  • Easy modifications – there is no need for complicated interference with the source code of the page to make changes to the page or add new content;
  • Lower costs – Wordpress software is free, therefore the price includes only customizing the website to the individual needs of the client;
  • Functionality – Wordpress sites do not mean impaired functionality. One can easily implement the latest technologies and dedicated applications with them;
  • Safety – for Wordpress websites, updates are made available on an ongoing basis, which protect them against the latest viruses and hacker attacks;
  • SEO – Wordpress websites are as “liked” by Google robots just like original projects and are subject to positioning in the same way;
  • Languages – WordPress pages work in 120 different languages.
Our specialists will be happy to create an easy-to-use and functional website based on Wordpress. Please contact us to discuss the details and find out approximate pricing.  Write to us: [email protected] or call us: +48 690 001 951.
At Finepages we also create corporate websites - check out.
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