Creating websites

At a time when most purchases start with an Internet search engine, having a company website has become a standard. A company that has not invested in a website not only significantly limits its ability to reach many potential customers with information about its existence, but is also considered unprofessional and unreliable. Why is it worth commissioning the creation of a webpage to us?
tworzenie stron internetowych - finepages

Modern websites

Research shows that 7 seconds is the average amount of time users decide to spend on a website after opening it. So we only have a short moment to attract the attention of a potential customer and encourage him/her to review the offer. How to do it? Despite what may appear, effective graphics and many moving elements on the page do not serve this purpose at all. It is definitely more effective to focus on a clear structure and appropriate grouping of content. One should also not forget for the content of the website to be optimized for SEO, ensuring that the website reaches high positions in the search results, without which it will be hard for the user to find our webpage. A modern website is also a responsive page, i.e. one that is adapted to be displayed on mobile devices without any problems.

Website designs

The website designs we create are pages that are programmed from scratch. As a result, they perfectly meet customer requirements, are attractive to the average user and focused on functionality. There is no problem for the website to be equipped with a dedicated application, e.g. for booking appointments. We assume that the website is a showpiece of the company, which proves its approach to customers and significantly helps in building trust. Therefore, we carry out all orders for website design with thoughtfulness and attention to detail. We create websites for companies, organizations, institutions and personal brands. During our activity, we have had the opportunity to create websites for many recognizable entities.
projektowanie responsywnych stron internetowych

Creating websites

Why is it worth entrusting the design of your website to our specialists?
  • Individual approach – we do not copy the same projects on and on again. We approach each order individually, creating a website tailored to the needs of your company;
  • Following trends – we do not cease to draw inspiration and follow the news in the field of web design;
  • SEO optimization – in addition to an interesting project, we also take care of its implementation in accordance with SEO principles to provide our clients with favorable positioning;
  • Complexity – we may provide the website with professional texts and other elements indicated by the client, delivering the project ready to be presented to network users;
  • Responsiveness – we create modern websites, adapted to be displayed on all types of mobile devices.
We will be happy to make an interesting presentation of your company on the web, creating a unique website. Write to us: [email protected] or call us: +48 690 001 951.
At Finepages we also develop internet stores - check out.
tel.: 690 001 951
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