SEO is considered to be one of the most effective forms of advertising. Why? Hardly any activities with such an investment are able to ensure long-term results in the form of even several times greater number of users visiting the site. What is more, these people are interested in our offer from the very beginning. But that's not all - why is it still worth investing in positioning?
tworzenie stron internetowych - finepages

SEO – what is it?

SEO is defined as all activities aimed at obtaining a high position by a website in the search results generated by an Internet search engine, after entering specific keywords. Positioning is a series of processes that take place both on the website (e.g. content adaptation) and outside it (e.g. link building). Taking up regular optimization work, as well as ongoing monitoring of changes in algorithms and competitors' activities, allows a given website to achieve and maintain high positions in the search results over time. It's time to explain why positioning pays off.

SEO – advantages

The most common advantages of SEO are:
  • creating the company's image – high position in the search engine is associated with a prestigious, popular and proven brand. Taking care of positioning, it is much easier to gain the trust of customers;
  • wider advertising coverage – leaflets will only go to the people to whom they are handed, and the billboard will only be noticed by people who are in its vicinity. Positioning, on the other hand, makes it possible to constantly reach an unlimited number of potential customers;
  • focus on the target group – positioning of websites is an activity aimed at gaining the attention of people who show the interest in your company's offer from the beginning;
  • low marketing costs – the cost of acquiring customers with the help of website positioning is much lower compared to the costs of other types of advertising;
  • increasing profits – research shows that approx. 97% of people start their shopping by using an internet search engine. Your company's offer has a chance to reach a wide group of people interested in making a purchase, and thus increase your sales profits.
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SEO – why is it worth using?

There is no need to convince anyone that when entering any phrase in Google, we rarely visit pages that appear on the second or further pages of search results. What is the conclusion then? It is the position your website achieves in the search results that largely determines the success of your business. Therefore, more and more owners of websites and online stores realize the importance of positioning and choose this form of advertising as the most efficient in terms of financial outlays. Effective website positioning is an investment that pays off the best.
However, for the SEO to be effective, it must be entrusted to specialists in this field. Our experts provide support in the professional and effective SEO of online stores and websites. We will be happy to contribute to the success of your company, putting full commitment, extensive knowledge and experience into our work. Write to us: [email protected] or call us: +48 690 001 951.
At Finepages we can also create content for your website - check out.


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